Environmental Policy
Environmental Philosophy
PRECI is aware that the global environmental conservation is one of the most important tasks of business entities. Recognizing it as a social responsibility, we conduct business activities with concerning the global environmental conservation.
Environmental Policy
As stated in our corporate philosophy, we understand that our business activity is “Inspire and realize value that truly makes people happy, and bring it to reality”. By prompting it, we create abundant values and contribute to the progress of the earth, human, and society.
In order to “contribute to the progress of the earth, human, and society”, we are aware that it is essential for us to response to any kind of global environmental problems. We promote the following environmental management activities to continuously reduce effects on the environment.
Environmental Management System
By constructing an environmental management system, we promote global environmental conservation and strive to make continuous improvements.
Reduction of Environmental Load
Throughout our business, we promote and carry out energy-saving activities. We also make efforts to use recyclable energy resources as much as possible. Further, we make sure to prevent environmental contamination as well as promote recycling and reduction of wastes. For natural resource protection, we strive to reuse and recycle materials, purchase recycled materials, and use recyclable materials.
Continuous Implementation of Environmental Preservation Activities
In order to realize the described policies, we establish environmental targets and goals, review them periodically, and revise them as needed.
Compliance with Environmental Regulations
We comply with environmental regulations, laws and other restrictions, agreements, and requirements.
Internal Awareness Activities
Through the education of employees and internal publication activities, we ensure that all employees understand and promote the environmental policies.
External Announcement
Not only making all employees understand and promote the environmental policies, the policies are announced to the public to ensure that they are achieved.
PRECI carries out its business activities based on CSR management as one of the pillars of its business administration. The following initiatives are being implemented in order to proactively incorporate CSR management, including group companies, as an integral part of everyday operations while enhancing staff awareness.
Corporate Governance
Building internal regulation systems included group companies.
Establishing a Structure for Compliance
Implementing company-wide education (in the areas of corporate compliance, protection of privacy training etc.).
Information Security Measures
Building a business information integration system, extending to group companies.
Public Relations
Providing more accessible corporate information through the website and initiatives for the improvement of all printed materials such as catalogs.
Employee Safety
Prioritizing the safety and well being of employees for all operations.
Achieving Work/Life Balance
Employee education initiatives for improving work efficiency and productivity.
Responsibility for Local Communities
Promoting efforts to contribute to local communities.